Meet the Inclusion Team
Mr Chancellor - SENDCo
Mr Chancellor is the SENDCo for Outwood Academy Portland. His role as SENDCo is to ensure that every member of staff at Outwood Academy is given the correct information, advice and guidance needed to assist children with special educational needs and disabilities make good progress in every area of the school - in and out of the classroom.
Mrs Houghton - SEND Officer
Mrs Houghton supports our SEND and vulnerable students to ensure their needs are met. Mrs Houghton organises and chairs termly reviews for our SEND students, chairs the EHCP annual reviews and allocates staff to support in class. She works with outside agencies to ensure student needs are met and collates information to be shared with school staff and create One Page Profiles. Mrs Houghton can be found in the inclusion department on Green corridor.
Mr Titterington - Inclusion Officer
Mr Titterington also supports our SEND and vulnerable students to ensure their needs are met. He organises and chairs termly PCR reviews for our SEND students who are coded K on the Record of Need. He works with outside agencies to ensure student needs are met and collates information to be shared with school staff and create One Page Profiles.
Mrs Ward - Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Ward's main job role at Outwood Academy Portland, is to ensure that you are safe, and as happy as you can be, to ensure you make progress in your learning. Mrs Ward aims to remove barriers to your learning, so you can be ready to learn. She will also do everything she can to make sure that your social, emotional and mental health needs are met.
Mr Hedgecock - Specialist Teaching Assistant
Mr Hedgecock is a Grade 4 Teaching Assistant. The main job he does in school is supporting students in their learning. This will often take palce in a small groups; he also works one to one with students he also runs literacy interventions like Lexia Powerup and Nessy. Mr Hedgecock's other role is to work on Access Arrangements to make sure all students can take their exams fairly.
Mrs Morris - Specialist Teaching Assistant
Mrs Morris is a Teaching Assistant at Outwood Academy Portland. She supports students in lesson as well as running various interventions including a series of workshops in the Bridge to support the development of students. The aim of these sessions is to build confidence, encourage positive relationships through constructive social interaction and improve awareness and knowledge of issues affecting our young people today. Mrs Morris also works with Mr Hedgecock on Access Arrangements for exams and assessments.
Teaching Assistants:
Mr Archer
Mrs Chapman
Mrs Day
Mrs Freeman
Mrs Ryan
Mrs Hall
Mrs Kennedy
Miss G Wankiewicz
Mrs Marshall
These wonderful people work as part of the Inclusion Team. They provide students with support and guidance in class in order for them to access the curriculum at the appropriate pace and level. They work alongside teachers to provide students with intervention in maths and English, developing individual strategies for specific need.
Dyslexic Intervention provision provides multi sensory learning, using visual auditory and kinaesthetic resources and techniques, in order to improve reading and spelling techniques. This team also offers the weekly after school dyslexia club where students undertake Multi Sensory Games in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, whilst building and reinforcing literary awareness.
Mrs Willatt - Bridge Manager (Social and Emotional Support)
Mrs Telford - PLC Manager (Academic Support)
Mrs Cockayne - Inclusion Administrator
Emma Woffinden - Health Care Assistant
Mrs Woffinden is also a Healthcare Assistant and she helps individuals with any physical disability; she also helps individuals with their personal hygiene needs. She too can be found around the academy supporting in lessons where needed.